Sunday, December 20, 2009

"We Must Tell the World" by John R. Vig, IEEE President and CEO

dua tiga hari lepas aku ada baca satu article oleh IEEE president yg aku raser penting utk dihayati sebab aku pun kerja dlm bidang R&D...

We Must Tell the World
by John R. Vig, IEEE President and CEO
"How many of us know how to explain to a non-technically trained person what professionals such as engineers and scientists have contributed to humanity? One way is to describe what the world would be like if all their contributions were to disappear. We would have no electricity, electric lights, telephones, radio, television, GPS, washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens, thermostats, modern transportation systems, computers, the Internet, or e-mail—and that’s just for starters."....
"We need to raise the technological awareness of government leaders and others who support and fund research and development. It might be a difficult task because, in the United States and some other countries, there is a lack of technical competence in government. Government leaders must understand how critically important R&D is to the future of humanity and to our quality of life."...
"We need to tell the world about the accomplishments of engineers and scientists and, thereby, engender support for engineering and scientific education and research. "

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