Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Golden Rule (ethics)

The Golden Rule is an ethical code that states one has a right to just treatment, and a responsibility to ensure justice for others. 
The golden rule has its roots in a wide range of world cultures, and is a standard which different cultures use to resolve conflicts;[3] it was present in the philosophies of ancient Judaism, India, Greece, and China. Principal philosophers and religious figures have stated it in different ways, but its most common English phrasing is attributed to Jesus of Nazareth in the Biblical book of Luke: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." 
"Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you." — Prophet Muhammad, The Farewell Sermon
Pesanan terakhir Rasulullah (Isi khutbah terakhir Rasulullah) 
"Janganlah kamu sakiti sesiapapun agar orang lain tidak menyakiti kamu lagi."

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