Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Greek alphabet

The Greek alphabet is a set of twenty-four letters that has been used to write the Greek language since the late 9th or early 8th century BCE.
The Greek alphabet is descended from the Phoenician alphabet, and is not related to Linear B or the Cypriot syllabary, earlier writing systems for Greek.

Αα Alpha, Ββ Beta, Γγ Gamma, Δδ Delta, Εε Epsilon, Ζζ Zeta, Ηη Eta, Θθ Theta, Ιι Iota, Κκ Kappa, Λλ Lambda, Μμ Mu, Νν Nu, Ξξ Xi, Οο Omicron, Ππ Pi, Ρρ Rho, Σσς Sigma, Ττ Tau, Υυ Upsilon, Φφ Phi, Χχ Chi, Ψψ Psi, Ωω Omega

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