Monday, May 17, 2010

Luasnya ilmu Allah

ilmu Allah tidak bertepi:

Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Kalaulah semua jenis lautan menjadi tinta untuk menulis Kalimah-kalimah Tuhanku, sudah tentu akan habis kering lautan itu sebelum habis Kalimah-kalimah Tuhanku, walaupun Kami tambahi lagi dengan lautan yang sebanding dengannya, sebagai bantuan.

- Surah Al-Kahf (18:109)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bila masanya tunai zakat pendapatan?

Rujukan jawapan daripada Blog Rasmi Lembaga Zakat Selangor
Oleh kerana tiada ijmak (kesepakatan yang kukuh) di kalangan ulamak mengenai penetapan haul bagi zakat penghasilan seperti zakat pendapatan ini, maka umat Islam berhak memilih salah satu daripadanya, sama ada mahu menunggu setahun ataupun terus berzakat apabila memperolehinya.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shy Extroverts
Shy Extroverts
love chatting but are wary when they do not know the people around them or do not know what is going on. They are often in the background because they tend not to put themselves forward. Examples in public life are hard to find and include Gerry Robinson, Louis Walsh, Felicity Kendall (Barbara Good from the Good Life) and Rory Bremnner

observant, curious
mischievous, wary
supportive, empathic
cooperative, warm
lateral thinker, intuitive
people-focused, shy

Data mining to find criminal suspect

They're Watching You
ChoicePoint is in the business of acquiring information about the American population -- addresses and phone numbers, driving records, criminal histories, etc., ChoicePoint has it all. For the most part, the data found in ChoicePoint's database is sold to the highest bidders, including the American government.

But how much does ChoicePoint really know? In 2002 ChoicePoint was able to help authorities solve a serial rapist case in Philadelphia and Fort Collins after producing a list of 6 potential suspects by data mining their DNA and personal records databases. In 2001 ChoicePoint was able to identify the remains of World Trade Center victims by matching DNA found in bone fragments to the information provided by victim's family members in conjunction to data found in their databases.